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2024 Election Politics


Why is this election cycle unique?
Relevant Standards

3.Civ.2.a. Explain how democracy relies on the responsible participation of individuals and groups within school, local and state communities (e.g., advocacy, census, compromise, jury duty, taxes, voting). 

5.Civ.14.a. Illustrate how individuals and groups in the Revolutionary Era and today have and can effect change (e.g., school, community, and state issues).

5.Cib.10.b. Identify the contributing factors that underlie multiple and varied points of view about school, community, and civic issues.

8.Civ.3.a.Examine the origin, purpose, and impact of the founding documents (e.g., popular sovereignty, republicanism, separation of powers, enfranchisement, liberty).

8.Civ.4.a. Explain the evolving powers and limits of the three branches of government as defined in the United States Constitution and subsequent federal court rulings, legislation, and executive action (e.g., Alien and Sedition Acts, Marbury v. Madison, Treaty of San Lorenzo).  

8.Civ.8.a. Analyze how the ideas and principles within the Bill of Rights influence the social and political system in the United States.   

US.Civ.14.b. Analyze the impact of multimedia on American politics and public discourse (e.g., 24-hour news cycle, echo chambers, social media algorithms, live streaming, trolls, deep fakes, artificial intelligence). 

MW.Civ.5.b. Evaluate the role of various media platforms such as television, newspapers, and social media in shaping reactions to events (e.g., Vietnam War, Tiananmen Square, fall of the Berlin Wall, Arab Spring, Russo-Ukrainian War, 2016 and 2020 U.S. Presidential Elections). 

CG.His.5.b. Analyze how historical contexts have shaped and continue to shape the ideologies and platforms of political parties in the United States (e.g., factions, partisanship).

CG.Civ.2.d.  Analyze trends in access to voting, voter turnout, and voter representation over time (e.g., gerrymandering, reapportionment, redistricting, voter socialization). 

CG.Civ.5.c.  Evaluate the role of the media in addressing social and political problems or influencing elections (e.g., fourth estate, media bias, concentration of media ownership). 

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